Welcome to Fernie's Pharmacy.
Locally owned and operated, Fernie's Pharmacy approaches healthcare through a functional medicine lens. Functional medicine strives to understand and address the root cause(s) of conditions.
We offer regular prescription services, including blister packing in addition to DNA testing, Pharmacogenomic testing, specialty compounds, minor ailment and contraceptions services (MACS), immunizations and injections, wellness consultations, access to telehealth, and more. Fernie's Pharmacy is also a designated Yellow Fever Vacination Centre.
**New** vitamin injections (more info below)
Please use the booking portal (button below "book now") for consultations and MACs.
To book a virtual appointment with a physician, click the "Avee" button below. Appointments with Avee are free of charge with a BC Personal Health Care Number (PHN). Avee can assist with sick notes, lab requisitions and more.
To book a virtual travel medicine consultation click the "RockDoc" button below.
Now offering injectable vitamins. Our customized formulations are tailored to help you meet your specific health goals. Book in with our practitioner for a virtual screening call to determine your best protocol then book in with our pharmacist for easy administration. Click the button below to be redirected to our booking page